
Thursday, November 15, 2012

T-Bar Fruity-Nutty bars

May the record show that I love Tupperware..... but I hate Tupperware parties.... with a burning passion.  However, my sister loves them. >.<  This means I get dragged along to buy Tupperware.  I was excited with the T-Bar maker thingy that was released, so I raced away and spent WAY too much on the plastic device.  But it works really rather well.

Basically it is a muesli bar maker, that comes with little carry containers.  And a recipe booklet.... which I promptly lost >.< (but I found it again..... evenutally).  In the mean time I discovered how few internet recipes there were for the T-Bar maker.... and I started thinking I was the only person who bought one.  

But, this is my recipe for like a fruity, anti-oxidant rich muesli bar.  A whole one is like massively difficult to eat, so I recommend cutting them in half... part for morning tea, part for afternoon tea or sharing.

1 cup wholegrain rolled oats
1/3 cup dried banana chips (break them a bit)
1/3 cup dried blueberries and cranberries
1/3 cup dried apricots (cut up a lot)
1/3 cup crunchy peanut butter (much better than smooth)
15g butter
1/2 cup honey

 Combine the oats and dried fruits in a bowl.  It will need to be a bowl that can withstand a bit of heat.  I usually use a pyrex jug, but I think the husband has 'put it away' and I can't find it in my kitchen.

In a saucepan, melt the butter, honey and peanut butter together.  I didn't have crunchy peanut butter- because I had eaten it all.... and used the smooth.  It works, but it is not as good.  Boil the mixture, don't be tempted to taste it.... I usually can't resist and then regret it.

Then pour all the runny mixture into the dry ingredients.  Mix it all in.  You will get a really solid mix.  Using a dessert spoon, spoon into the T-Bar thing.  You won't need to oil it or whatever because the butter kinda helps it all slide back out.  Keep packing it all in.  Use the plunger to force it solidly into place.

When it's all crammed in there, place on the lid and refrigerate overnight.

In the morning, pop them out.  I use a plastic knife just to release them around the sides and I run hot water over the bottom of the container, but they come out easily enough.

Store in the fridge in the carry containers, and just throw in the bag/lunchbox.

My tip- if you are likely to lose the carry cases, just wrap in gladwrap... they are expensive cases.  I like the idea of knowing EXACTLY what is in these things, and not having any added salt.  They are rather messy to make, but easily sorted with a dishwasher.  They store and carry well, so that is a bonus.

1 comment:

  1. Man - this makes me want to buy one of those. I have never been to a Tupperware party, but I think I'd be like you...I am really not into those kind of things where you feel pressured to buy something. But, this looks really cool! Thanks for linking up!
