
Monday, June 17, 2013

Viking Helmet Hat - Knitting Pattern

Many moons ago I made a Viking Helmet beanie, and I didn't write down the pattern.  Like some kind of fool.  So I made another.  This one has smaller, cuter horns, which I think would work well on a smaller hat for a child as is. 


Main hat

Cast on 80 stitches in a brown fluffy yarn on size 5.5mm needles.
Knit 12 rows

Change to grey wool.
Stst 30 rows

Knit 3, k2 together - repeat to end of row.
Purl whole row.
K2, k2 together - repeat to end of row.
Purl whole row
K1, k2 together - repeat to end of row.
Purl whole row
K2 together - repeat to end of row.
Purl whole row
K2 together - repeat to end of row.
Cut yarn with about 30cm of tail, thread remaining stitches onto this, pull to tighten.

Make 2.
Using 4mm needles, and white wool.
CO1 leaving a long tail for sewing up the seam.
Row 1: knit into front and back of that one st. 2 st.
Row 2 (and all even rows): Purl.
Row 3 (and all odd rows now!): k into front and back, k to last st, k into front and back.
Repeat rows 2 and three until there are 16 stitches.
K one row.
P one row.
K one row.
P one row.
Next row: K12, turn work, s1 k7, turn, s1 k to end.
Next row: Purl.
Next row: K12, turn work, s1 k7, turn, s1 k to end.
Next row: Purl.
Work 7 more rows in stocking stitch.
BO all stitches.
Sew up seam, stuff with fiberfill, and attach to hat.

Fluffy bits around the horns
On 5.5mm needles in fluffy wool.
Cast on 16 stitches.
Knit 1 row.
Cast off. Make 2. Stitch onto the horns.

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