
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Ladybird Hat - Knitting Pattern

Well, really I just needed to get knitting again. 6 weeks with the needles down while travelling was tough... Then the hands started hurting again. But the brain needs to knit.

Here is a child's hat, shaped like a ladybird. The cute part is the dots on the back, and the antenna on the front.



You will need:
Size 3.75mm needles
Size 4.5mm needles
Red and black DK yarn
2 goggle eyes

Ladybird Hat

Cast on 92 in black dk yarn on 3.75mm needles.
Rib (k2, p2) for 12 rows

Change to red and 4.5mm needles.
Stst 2 rows

This bit is the most complicated to explain. The section with the spots is really 3 sections. From left to right, right side facing:
Chart A (21 stitches) - centre section 50 stitches - chart B (21 stitches)
1- Knit chart B, knit 50 stitches, knit chart A
2- Purl chart A, purl 50 stitches, purl chart B
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until the charts are complete.

Chart B:

Chart A:

Stst 2 rows

K3, k2 together over the whole row
K2, k2 together over the whole row
K1, k2 together over the whole row
K2 together over the whole row
K2 together over the whole row
Cut yarn, leaving 30cm, thread all stitches onto the yarn, pull to tighten

On the front of the hat, in the last black row of ribbing, pick up 24 stitches with a crochet hook, in the centre of the knitting in black. The easiest way to do this is to count in 36, then begin picking up the next 24 stitches.

On this section knit 10 rows.
K2 tog, knit to last 2, k2 tog - repeat over 6 rows.
Cast off.

Stitch up the back of the hat in red.
Darn in the tails.
Stitch the face section on to the red part.
Twist 4 pieces of yarn into 2 antenna. Stitch into the face section.
Sew on 2 goggle eyes.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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