You will need
Pipe cleaners
2 eyes
White and brown dk yarn
4mm needles
Black embroidery yarn
20cm ribbon
Start by building a skeleton from pipe cleaners. I fold 3 in half, 2 for legs and one for the face. Use others to strengthen and create the back and neck.

Cover with stuffing and tie on with yarn. (Told you this was backwards)

Cast on 16
Stst 12 rows
K2 tog over row
P2 tog over row
Cut yarn, thread stitches onto yarn, pull to tighten.
Stitch up the side.
Slip onto head and stitch onto stuffing.
Legs - make 4
Cast on 10
Stst 16 rows
K2 tog over row
Cut yarn, thread stitches onto yarn, pull to tighten.
Stitch up the side.
Slip onto leg and stitch onto stuffing.

Ears - make 2
Cast on one
K1 front, yarn round needle, k1 back (kf,rn,kb)
K1, (kf,rn,kb), k1
Cast off
Stitch onto side of the face.
Cast on 30 in white.
Knit 48 rows in any textured pattern. I used a basket weave in the images here, but I've also used blackberry, cables, chevrons, moss, and k/p patterns successfully.
Cast off.

Fold and pin around body.

Stitch on.
Tie a piece of yarn around the neck and tighten.
Add a bow, eyes and face.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

So cute!! I have not knitted since I was 12 so its been awhile but I need to make one of these.